Monday 31 January 2011

Hit girl essay

I think in Kick Ass Hit girl is a postmodern heroine becuase She is not a typical super hero fifure becuase as an aucience we feel shocked when she calls then Cunts which shows that she is na typical superhero becuase they do not swear very much. I also feel that we are suprised the way she is represented becuase it almost feesls as if she has two identies becuase when she is a super heros she uses foul langauage and seems like a right bad ass in the way she talks and is fearless becuase she is not affraid to take on ganster men, whereas as you would thinks that a superhero women would be slightlly affraid, however she does not. But then on the on the other hand when she is not a Hit girl she seems to be a fairlly typical 12 year old in the way she acts and tlaks becuase she does drawing and plays with her barbie doll which is what you would exect a 12 year old to do and also the way she gets a hot chocalte with marshmellows for her and her dad which is suprizing becuase as a super hero you would not epexct them to do this. The scene where hit girl's dad reads a story before beb is a typical 12 year old thing to do. Hitgirls language is really polite and sweat when she is not Hit Girl which is how we would expect a 12 year old to be. However as soon as they are needed as super heros her attitude seems to change in the way she is excited which again links back to her being fearless. Once she is Hit girl we see a completely different side to her in the way is presented to us the audience. In a way she is like a typical superhero in the way she has two identities and is very different. for example it is similar two Batman who has two identities Bruce Wayne and Batman.

The image of Hit girl in a school uniform shows that she is heroine because the way she dresses is not how we would think a 12 year old would but in actual fact most 12 year old now dress in similar ways but we don't seem to think it is wrong however the stereotypical view is that is wrong and 12 year old should not dress in that way. At the beggining of the film we see her getting shot by her dad which is not what you would normally see a dughter and father doing it almost seems as if she does not want to so it and we see she is not enjoying it by her body langauge, which is simailar to how a typical 12 year old act if that was happening to them.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Prezi presentation showing audience feedback

This prezi presentations shows the seven main pieces of constructive feedback from our audience, I have decided to use this as it clearly shows what our audience thought and made it easier for us to understand what we needed to change because the piece of paper that shows the feedback was not very clear to read in certain sections. The presentations shows the draft video which when we looked back at it we cold all see that the feedback given was fairly accurate which made it easier for us to know how to improve the final product.

The clips below backs up the audience feedback we got which was the narrative does not work because it make no sense and looks terrible and it has the white section which does not work either. The other clips below show area in our draft video that match up with what our audience gave us as feedback. All the clips below I created on tube chop by cutting the bits that I thought best matched what the audience feedback said and I have then reviewed each clip and said why the clip does not work.

Feedback number 1 Narrative does not work
The clip below shows the beginning of our video which as you will see the narrative does not work very well because it does not make sense and does not really relate to the song because we see the male actor get slapped and he shouts and walks out, and the female goes in the other room and turns on the TV which I think does not work out and needed to be changed, which is why I think the audience feed back said it is to complicated and that it does not fit.

This is the second bit of narriative which is the next clip below. I felt really backs up how bad the narrative was because as it goes on you can see that it still carries on to make no sense and becomes worse because the male actor walks out side and while the female looks through the window and it does not seem to link together very well and is very confusing for any audiences, watching it.

The clip below again shows how bad the narrative of the video is because the whole entire section is not put together well at all the lighting is very poor this was due to us running out of time which meant he had to film with what we had. The other part of the narraivtive too dark and is far to complex and made no sense to an audience however at the time it made sense to me as the director, but watching it back I can see why our audience feedback said what they did because I agree with them so in the final video we must take more time planning the shoot and think about things like lighting and the mise en sense which was very poor indeed. The reason I have shown three clips is because as the video was split into two section performance and narrative and was cutting between the two so it was difficult to get just the narrative as is was split up so I have done three clips which help demonstrate the question better as if the clip had performance it would be irrelevant.

Feedback number 2 Avoid waling it is very boring
The feedback said that the band needed to avoid waling which they do at the beginning and it is boring and takes to long the clip below shows this, as you can see it takes forever for band to get ready. The comments suggest that it is very boring for the audience to watch and takes up to much time because it takes like about thirty seconds just to walk to the location with no music so for audience member it is very long and necessary because it is not really important and with their being no music it is even more dull to watch.

Feedback number 3 Completely re film because it is shocking
The clip below shows that our audience thought we need to completely re film and I agree because the whole video just did not work especially the narrative because it made no sense the mise sense was poor and had little thought put into it which was demonstrated in the video. The worst part of it was the out side narrative which failed in every way because it was too dark which made it very difficult to work out what was happening. The performance side of the video was not so bad as the narrative but was poor as well, because the shots used were not the best and they needed to be closer to the band because as you will see their seems to be too many long shots and not enough close ups which is one of the main conventions of a music video.

Feedback number 4 Mise en sense is crap and no thought
The mise en sense in the draft video was shocking as shown in the in the clip below because looking back at it I can see that not enough thought was put into it because you can see the location for the narrative just looked like a standard house which had just been filmed in and no thought about what set would need to look like in order for it look good and be a success. For example the performance looked like a beer garden however as you can see it is a beer garden but their is not effort put into making it not look like one for example the shot of Darren where you can see the playground, I just think some of shot needed to be framed better to avoid showing to much of the garden.

Feedback question number 5 Need to sing more looks fake
As you can see the video clip shows that the singing was poor and we need to sing more because when you watch the clip you can see that they are not really singing and that the lip sinking is out place and when it is it just looks fake and not effort has been put in really I think that it is because they did not sing for real which then looked poor when filmed. I agree with audience and I feel that we have learnt that we need sing for real and really sing in order for it to look realistic because the clip below shows no sign of this so we have leant that we will need to sing for real.

Feedback question 6 The band need to play the instruments
The clip shows that the band needs to play the instruments more because in the video their does not seem to be much playing of the instruments which does not look very good because the convention of a rock music video is that the band plays the instruments they have where in ours their is a lack of this which also makes the video a bit boring because you expect to have them played a lot. However their is parts when Rhys plays the drums well but it is not long enough and the same with Nick on the guitar, so on final we should spend less time on waling and get into it which means the instruments will be shown more

Feedback question 7 Need to show more attitude meant to be a rock band
The three clips below shows the lack of attitude from the band because as you can see they all seem like they don't want to be there especially Rhys who looks depressed and is not putting much effort into drumming it seems like he is just tapping the drums instead of whacking them like a real drummer would. The clips also shows lack of attitude from Nick as well because he seems to just be looking down at the guitar and just playing it causally where as he needs to strumming it as fat as he can and be jumping up and down like a real guitarist because he also looks like he does want to be their. However I think that out of the three of them Darren was putting the most effort in and looked the most like a rock star however he was not great either because he could of jumped around more instead of staying in one spot and tapping his feet

The clip below shows different parts of band preforming and as you can see through out they all seem to lack attitude like proper rock stars like I said before they seem to lack it and in the final we need to make sure they all have more attitude because they look nothing like a rock band.

The clip below is anther section of the video in which you can see that the band lacks attitude and motivations and enjoyments because they all seem to be unhappy and looks like they just want to get it over with and don't want to be there.

The reason I have done three clips for the same question is because as the performance and narrative are split up and keep jumping between each other so it would be difficult to just have one clip because then you would end up with narrative sections which are irrelevant so have picked out key bit to demonstrate it better.

Monday 24 January 2011

Poster for digipack

This is my poster for my digipack as a you can see it is blurted I am unsure why this is because on the image that I imported it is fine so I am not sure why. Also on the left hand side you can see that their is lines which should not be their and I am not sure why as the original image does not have the lines.

Digipack separate pages

Front cover 

Back cover

Inside right cover 

Inside right page

CD page

Inside left page 

Digipack put together

Wednesday 19 January 2011

music used in inglorious basterds

Quentin Jerome Tarantino filmogrpahy

Quentin Jerome Tarantino Has directed in nine mainstream films his most recent being inglorious basterds

the links shows all the films he has been a part of and showing also his acting roles and TV series hea has also been a part of, the link also shows the films and tv series that he has written or helped to right.

Quentin Jerome Tarantino biogrpahy

Quentin Jerome Tarantino (pronounced /ˌtærənˈtiːnoʊ/; born March 27, 1963) is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer and occasional actor. In the early 1990s he began his career as an independent filmmaker whose films used nonlinear storylines and the aestheticization of violence. His films include Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Jackie Brown (1997), Kill Bill (2003–2004), Death Proof (2007) and Inglourious Basterds (2009). His films have earned him an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a BAFTA and a Palme d'Or and he has been nominated for Emmy and Grammy awards.


Tarantino was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, the son of Connie McHugh Tarantino Zastoupil, a health care executive and nurse born in Knoxville, and Tony Tarantino, an actor and amateur musician who was born in Queens, New York.[1] Tarantino's father is Italian American and his mother is of Irish and Cherokee ancestry.[2][3][4] He was raised by his mother, as his parents separated before his birth.[5] When he was two years old, he and his mother moved to Torrance, California, and later to the Harbor City neighborhood where he went to Fleming Junior High School in Lomita and took drama classes.[5] He attended Narbonne High School in Harbor City for his freshman year before dropping out of school at age 16. He attended acting school at the James Best Theatre Company in Toluca Lake. At age 22 he worked at the Video Archives, a defunct video rental store in Manhattan Beach where he and fellow movie buffs, like Roger Avary, spent all day discussing cinema and recommending videos to customers.[6]

Monday 17 January 2011

Video showing Digipack when opened

Create your own video slideshow at

This video created on Animoto shows all the pages on the digipack that I am going to use. It shows you what it would be like as if you where holding it, it starts with front cover then 2nd page then inside and the finally the back page, this way you can see how I intend to make my digipack.

Album idea with all pages

This is what the inside of my digipack would look like once it opened up fully and as you can see there will be three section with the placement for the CD in the middle which I think looks good and not typical.

This is what the back of the digipack would look like when it is opened, however as you can see the front cover is on the back once it opens up fully which looks strange but it is the way the pages would be folded, however I still think it would work.

Photo-shoot of band for digipack

This photo presentation shows the photos that I took so that I could create the digipack as you will see there is a variety of pictures which I will use to help me create my pack, some of the photos shown are one I tried to copy from the The Carruretors album cover as you can see I got the band to try and replicate the poses the band used for there's which so that it would not require as much editing and would be more accurate.

Design idea 1 did not work

This is anther idea for an album front cover I am not sure weather it will work or not because some people may like it where as other may not. However I am going to design it and see how it looks, As you can see I have used ideas from different covers for example the middle I got my inspiration from The Carrureors which Is shown below and the 4 corners I have use the Blur idea again as I really like their album cover.

Album front cover idea (full body)

This is an idea for my album front cover I got the idea from the the Paula Nutini which described earlier I think it is one of my favourite designs because I think that it would work well for the band. I really like the colurs used becuase they are attractive and eye catching, however for mine I would use black and white as that is the theme I am hoping to achieve, also the way that they have used diffirent picture angles of the same person, which really looks affective, I think that we could do somehting similar by having all four band members, with lead singer in the middle as a he the focas of the image so he needs to be in the centre.

Possible digipack template

I have chosen this digipack because I like the design of it because it is not a typical digipack and I also like the way that it opens in all four directions which I think is a really good idea, which works really well. I really like the box that the pack fits into once it is folded up, as it looks really professorial.

Final album cover for digipack

This is the final album cover that I have created on photo shop CS2 and as you can see I have gone for a black and white theme which I discussed in the research section. As you can see I have used most of my ideas from the blur album cover because it is very simple but effective and felt that it suitable what I was looking for.

Possible band names

The brain storm above shows all the possible band names that we could use for our music video most of the names are things that we use quite often between the three of us the two names that are in Caps, Crap money and Leakin pipe see to be our two favourites at the minute.