Monday 29 November 2010

Album front cover idea

For our front cover i like the idea of having somehting simailar to this as it is very simple but effective in my view, i also like the coloeures used blakc annd white which works really well together. I feel that this also fits in we ll with linkin Park as manay of their ablum covers use black and white for example Minutes to midnight and A thousand sons.
I really like the way this image has been set up because I really feel that it fits in with our music video that we created. The way in which some instruments are used in the image is good which shows us the audience that it is a rock band with the guitar and the drumsticks. I also feel that this easilly done as all we would need wou;d be a photoshoot which I am hoping to do on the Thursday the 2nd of Deceber as it is the best day for every one. If I was to create a similar cover would use all four band members and have similar set up and maybe change the poses  they have.

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